Monday, January 7, 2013

now is the time for your tears...

Bob Dylan said it best "...for now is the time for your tears" in his ballad "The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll". But rather than crying about a broken justice system, I'm crying about bluefin tuna that we are hunting to extinction while we all sit around and observe it.  

I read today that a record price was just set for a bluefin tuna--US$1.76 million--at the Tokyo fish Auction.  The message is shocking, yet quite predictable.  As desired goods become scarce, we value them more and the prices rise which drives people to hunt the last individuals.  It's all a predictable market-driven extinction spiral.  The only way to stop it is to stop the market.  Thus, a good new year's resolution is to stop eating bluefin.  Yes, torro is delicious, but our desire for it is driving bluefin extinct and extinction is forever.

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